Empowered Planning Blog

Tips to Feel Financially Stable During the Holiday Season

Nov 14, 2023

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Episode Summary:

We are gearing up for the holiday season, my favorite time of year! If you have been out of your house and have gone to literally any store, they already have their big holiday decorations out and this is such a fun time of year. But for a lot of women, a lot of moms, I know it also comes with a lot of stress – you're having to provide this magical experience for your kids and loved ones, on top of your regular to-do list and duties. So I want to help as much as I can on the financial side of things because it's really up to us to balance out what's going to work. In this episode I’m sharing a few tips to feel financially stable during the holiday season, from apps you can use to focusing on sustainability. I hope this helps you remain excited about the weeks to come!


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Preparing to Pay Your Taxes as a Business Owner or Gig Economy Worker

Nov 07, 2023

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Episode Summary:

We have about two months left in the year, which is crazy to say, but as we're gearing towards the end of 2023, I'm starting to get a lot of questions around taxes if you have a side hustle, if you're part of the gig economy, if you started freelancing, or if this is your first year as an entrepreneur. There is a lot of unknown in this area for most people, this can lead to a bit of panic but rest assured you have time to figure it all out if you start to be proactive today! In fact, I believe now is the perfect time to start planning for your taxes because you're getting yourself ahead of the holiday season, which can be an expensive time of year. So dive in with me as I walk you through steps you can take today to feel more confident about filing your taxes come the new year!


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The 6 Most Common Money Blind Spots (and how to overcome them!)

Nov 01, 2023

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Episode Summary:

Last week on the podcast, we talked about how to unpack all of the money baggage that we essentially got through our childhood and growing up, so if you haven’t listened to that episode, go do that now! This week I want to take things a step further and talk about the six most common money blind spots, as I call them, that tend to show up in our lives. Money blind spots are beliefs or thoughts that obstruct the way that we view money in our lives. In this episode, I want to try to normalize this for you because we have all of these voices in our head that we interact with throughout the day that can prevent us from moving forward in our lives if we don't really address them. My hope is that you’ll listen to this episode and leave with actionable steps you can take to heal your money blind spots to become more confident in your financial decision making!


  • How Shinobu identifies money blind...
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Calling All Entrepreneurs: Time To Invest In Yourself

Feb 24, 2021

Entrepreneurship comes with freedom and flexibility making it exciting to take the leap of faith. As you find success, you also find new challenges: new level, new devil. With so many balls to juggle, like visionary, sales, marketing, the list goes on, financial goals can be put on the back burner. So it’s not surprising that many entrepreneurs neglect saving and investing for their future. To help you navigate the wild world of entrepreneurship I've picked 3 financial areas you shouldn't neglect: 

#1- Set money aside for taxes.

Depending on your type of work, cash infusions into the business can ebb and flow making it difficult to predict your total income. It’s a safe bet to set aside 30% of your business income for taxes purposes.  If you don’t pay enough taxes throughout the year, you can be charged a penalty by the time you file. It’s important to explore paying quarterly estimated taxes. Click Here to learn more from the IRS website.


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